Shota yaoi anime

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Witch is why I ask,beucse I see it all the time on these websites and it is a larger part of Internet culture. Loilicon and shotacon are present among a lot online fandoms like Anime,cartoon,furry,video game, and My Little Pony,and can be found on many websites such as 4chan,tumbler,reddit, and ,ext. This can also apply to anthropomorphic animal porn,as in the My Little Pony fandom they have a sub term called 'Foalcon' in which is a sexualized drawing or fan fiction of the child ponies of that show. Loilicon is female, and shotacon is male.

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If you are unaware Loilcon and shotacon is a Internet fandom term that refers to sexually exploitive fan art or fanficton of a fictional underage character from a cartoon or anime or even original drawings inspired by anime. Can someone be charge with possession Child pornography,for Loilcon or shotacon?

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